
College Admission Guides

Guide to America's Best Boarding Schools

Learn about the best boarding schools in the country for your student.

Veterinary team doctors are making a ultrasound scan of a cute beautiful dog. Veterinary Concept.

Admission Guide for Pre-Vet Students

This guide will go over the course requirements, extracurriculars you will need to get involved with, and other concerns for a vet school application. We will also cover how you can begin preparing for veterinary medicine while still in high school.

Admission Guide for Pre-Dental Students

The purpose of this guide is to explain what you will need to do to be qualified to attend dental school.

Shot of Room in Dental School

Getting a Career in AI Through Data Science

The complete, step-by-step guide to pursuing a career in AI through Data Science

A Guide to Pursuing Engineering

Many students want to pursue careers as engineers. In this guide, we’ll break down the mechanics of how you can do so!

Investment Banking Career Guide

The complete, step-by-step guide to pursuing a career in investment banking.

College Admission for Student-Athletes

Understanding the NCAA’s college application requirements is crucial to the admission process for prospective student athletes.

College Admission for Homeschoolers

There are a number of common misconceptions surrounding homeschooling, especially when it comes to the college application process.

Law School Admission Guide

In this guide we’ll cover how to apply to law schools, and what they are looking for from students.

College Admission for Art Students

In this guide we’ll break down the requirements to apply to college as an artist, and how they differ across disciplines.

College Admission for International Students

Learn how to maximize your chance of admission and common mistakes to avoid when applying to colleges in the United States as an international student.

international college students studying in library

College Admission for Transfer Students

In this guide, we will explain how to determine if transferring is right for you, what transferring colleges looks like, what colleges look for in transfer students, and finally answer some common questions.

Medical School Admission Guide

In this guide, we’ll cover the steps to apply to med school, what these programs are looking for in applicants, and all of the steps you need to take to complete your application.

PhD Admission Guide

In this guide we’ll go over how to apply to PhD programs, what they are looking for, and how the application process works. 

Pre-Med Admission Guide

In this guide, we’ll cover pre-med admission, the requirements that come with it, and how you can increase your chances of acceptance to a premier program.

pre-med students sitting at a desk in glass working on assignments