Bioengineering is a popular subject, though it’s known to be quite challenging. It’s where new medical devices come from, and futuristic inventions that allow the blind to see and amputees to feel. Bioengineering is on the forefront of development, and we see many students each year who long to be part of that search, and who need a college program that will give them the skills necessary to succeed.
In this article, we’ll go over one such program: the Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering (Joint BME), which is administered jointly (thus the name) by NC State and UNC Chapel Hill. We’ll cover what this program offers to students, and how to get into it. We’ll also cover what they look for in applicants, and whether this program is the right choice for you. Let’s get started!
What is Joint BME?
Joint BME is a program administered in a partnership between two of North Carolina’s top public universities: UNC Chapel Hill and NC State. Students attending either school are eligible to apply for the program. Indeed, it is possible to fulfill all of the program’s requirements solely through the classes offered through your home institution, whichever that may be.
The real strength of the program, however, is that all of the students in it have full access to classes and facilities on both campuses. UNC contributes a top ranked medical school, while NC State hosts one of the country’s top ranked engineering programs. After completing their core requirements for the program, students are then free to pursue whatever coursework best meets their needs and interests within the field. You can see course requirements for the program here.
The program is fully accredited by ABET, and graduates are recognized as qualified in engineering. On top of that, students in the program may complete research for credit, and student research is seen as an important part of the program. There are numerous labs associated with the program on both campuses, and these work with undergraduates frequently, either for credit, in paid positions, or as volunteers.
Degrees from the program are jointly awarded from both schools.
How to Apply to the Joint BME Program
You must apply to the Joint BME program after enrolling at one of the partner schools; you may not enroll in the program directly as a high school student. Admission to one of the partner institutions does not guarantee admission to the program. The class size is capped at 80 per year at each institution (for a total class size of 160 each year).
You may apply to the program after completing the following five courses, with the listed grade or better. AP or IB credit may be substituted. You need to have attended either college for at least a semester before applying to the program:
- Calculus 1 and 2, C or better
- Chemistry 1, C or better
- Physics 1 (Mechanics), C or better
- First Year English, C- or better
Note that these grades are the minimum required; admission is based largely on GPA, so merely meeting these marks does not guarantee acceptance to the program. All applicants are reviewed by a committee of BME faculty. They consider both your grades and your essay. Most successful applicants have As and Bs in all required coursework.
NC State Admissions
When applying within NC State, you must do it through their Change of Degree Application. You must put BME as your first choice within this application; if you put it as your second or third choice, you won’t be considered for the BME program. You must already be in the engineering department to transfer to the BME program.
UNC Admissions
Apply for a major/minor change in ConnectCarolina (the school’s online management portal). Select the BME program, once you do you will receive an email with a PIN and a link to the application. You must submit all required components of the application to be considered.
The Joint BME Essay
Applying to this program from either school requires students to answer the following prompt:
- In no more than 300 words, please tell us why you are interested in biomedical engineering, what experiences have led you to choose BME as your intended major, what extracurricular activities you have been engaged in related to biomedical engineering, and what you plan on doing with your biomedical engineering degree when you graduate.
This is a straightforward enough essay question, but it’s a lot of ground to cover in just 300 words. We recommend being brief with the first part; your interest in and passion for is better demonstrated through your prior activities than merely stated dryly. One or two sentences should be sufficient for this purpose.
We recommend devoting the bulk of your word count to describing your past encounters and experiences with BME, and how these drove your interest to study the subject. You can either go in depth to one or two activities, or take a more limited overview of a larger number. We recommend going for the approach that best highlights your own accomplishments. Your goal is to demonstrate to readers your past experiences, and show how these have motivated your continued and heightened interest in the subject.
We recommend only having a sentence or two at the end devoted to what you want to do with biomedical engineering post graduation. While you should not skip this part of the prompt, it is not as integral as the prior section, and needs less space to cover fully. We recommend your motivation have something to do with the joy of discovery or a desire to help others, rather than external factors, such as desire for a high salary or parental expectations.

Is the Joint BME Program Right for You?
This is a rigorous and exclusive program, and it expects a lot from students who enroll. In return, students in this program get access to a remarkable suite of opportunities and resources across a pair of campuses. Many students who are interested in biomedical engineering would benefit from this program.
Students with a past experience with biomedical engineering are the best fit for the program, and have the best chance of getting accepted. If you have a past history thick with engineering, medical experiences, or especially prior exposure to biomedical engineering itself, this program is the best way to explore your interests further.
We realize that this can be difficult for some students, as high schools do not normally offer courses in biomedical engineering. Here’s what you can do right now to help prepare yourself for this program:
- Work hard in high school. You can theoretically meet all of the academic prerequisites for the Joint BME program by the time you graduate high school. While this does depend on your school, we recommend doing so if possible. This will provide you with a strong foundation, and allow you to enter the program as early as possible.
- Don’t just think about the program. You need to get into UNC Chapel Hill or NC State first, and only then will you be allowed to apply to this program. You can certainly mention your interest in biomedical engineering in your application to college, but don’t put the cart before the horse.
- Find bioengineering opportunities. We realize this is easier said than done, but demonstrating your interest for the subject is one of the key factors they look for when deciding who gets into the program. See our guides to internships and research for some ideas of how you can get involved, or start your own projects.
This program is run jointly by UNC Chapel Hill and NC State, and students from both schools get a similar experience. While the program is the same, it is easier to get into NC State than UNC Chapel Hill, but UNC is considered a better school overall. Where you apply initially should be based on your own desires outside of the program, and which university will best serve your needs.
Final Thoughts
Biomedical engineering is one of the fields at the cutting edge of innovation and progress, and inventions here can lead to major improvements to the quality of life for thousands or millions of people. Programs like the Joint BME are set up to give you the tools and skills you need for a career in biomedical engineering, and look for students who will best be able to use them.
The application process for elite programs like the Joint BME often feels overwhelming, with many moving parts, high stakes, and tight deadlines. If you want advice on applying or preparing for this program, or to hear how else we can help you with your applications, schedule a free consultation today. We have a deep experience helping students, and are always happy to hear from you.