
What is the Harvard of the South?

The exterior of the iconic Duke University Chapel in North Carolina.

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Harvard is a famous school, perhaps the most famous in the world. As always happens with fame, this sparks comparisons, and attempts to find a local version. It’s no surprise that Bollywood in India is a reference to Hollywood, and so too do students often wonder how schools nearer to them compare to Harvard.

This question is sometimes encouraged by colleges themselves, many of whom want to be thought of as being akin to their Ivy League counterparts. One interesting example of this is the Southern Ivies. In this article we’ll explain what these schools are, what they might have been, and how they compare to the better known Ivy League, and how they stack up to Harvard in particular. Let’s get started!

What are the Southern Ivies?

The Ivy League, as we have discussed before, was founded as an athletic conference. The Northeastern schools which began it were longtime rivals for the most part, and preferred to compete with each other, rather than the larger schools which had already begun sacrificing academic standards for the sake of their athletic programs in some cases. 

They still cared about sports, to be sure. None of them wanted to follow the path of UChicago and banish football from their campuses entirely. They just wanted to compete against schools with a similar approach to academic merit. Thus the Ivy League was born. 

In the South, this problem was being observed as well, notably by Vanderbilt. They first attempted to join the Ivy League conference, but were rebuffed. This led to a new plan, to form a league of their own in the South. One modeled after the Ivy League; an athletic league for schools with a focus on academics, but who still wanted to compete seriously in DI football.

This league was given the provisional name the Magnolia League, which contrasted their flowered campuses with their ivy-clad brethren to the North. The schools originally invited to join this league were:

  • Duke
  • Emory
  • Rice
  • Tulane
  • Southern Methodist University
  • Vanderbilt

This was seriously entertained for a spell, but ended up being abandoned for a variety of reasons, mainly the amount of money the schools were able to receive from the athletic conferences they were already in. That said, the designation of these particular schools as the Southern answer to the Northeastern Ivy league stuck, and they are often compared with the Ivy League.

What the Magnolia League Might Have Been

This section is going to be speculation, but helps with the direct comparison between these schools and their counterparts in the Ivy League. You see, when the Ivy League was first founded, they were not inherently associated with academic excellence. It was a mix of circumstances that propelled them to the heights that they are at today, and their association in a league helped, especially the less famous schools. 

Harvard and Yale were always going to have academic weight, but many of the other schools were regional; educating the New England elite who were educated in various prep and boarding schools in the area. The rise of the Ivy League as a concept helped propel these schools to the next level, and in turn win them the prestige and monetary benefits that come with renown. 

A Magnolia League set up as a Southern counterpart would have likely benefited from the same phenomenon. The schools in it are generally well regarded academically, but an association with each other, and with the Ivy League, would have raised their standings as a whole. 

This influx in prestige is then often repaid in increased student interest, an increase in alumni and other donations, and an increase in the ease of applying for governmental grants. While these schools are in good positions today, it would be interesting to see how things would stand had things gone differently.

Comparing the Ivy League to the Southern Ivies

We’re going to start by examining general similarities and differences between these schools, then do a few head-to-head comparisons. Thus we will be able to see if these schools deserve to be compared with the Ivy League as a class, and how some notable members measure up individually.

The first thing to note is that all of these schools are private, and like the Ivy League, most are quite small and quite old by American standards. There are exceptions, but even here there is a parallel; SMU is different from most of the other schools in the Southern Ivies in nearly the same ways Cornell is different from the rest of its cohort. They are larger, and have the most subsidiary colleges within them. 

These schools are quite similar in cost. The Ivy League has more competitive acceptance rates on average, but these are close, and many are in similar ballparks. For the most part, the schools focus on a liberal arts style curriculum, though some have separate colleges for engineering or business.

On the whole, these schools are remarkably similar to the Ivy League, both in terms of how they are organized, their academic caliber, and in how they approach educating students. We will now look more closely at how they compare on a one-to-one basis. We won’t be able to compare all of these schools of course, but will take a sampling, to see what trends emerge. 

Comparing Duke Vs Harvard

Duke is already considered one of the Ivy+ schools; it is often associated with the Ivy League, and some students are surprised to discover it is not actually part of it. It has the same long history and strong academic tradition as the other Ivies, so this confusion is perhaps warranted. 

Undergrad Population6,7006,500
Acceptance Rate5.4%3.5%
Number of Majors5850
LocationDurham, NCCambridge, MA
Average Class Size2012

Just looking at the numbers, Duke and Harvard are within a very small range on most metrics. Harvard tends to be ranked higher, but as we’ve discussed before, rankings are often inherently flawed, and are not indicative of the actual strength of the universities. 

Duke and Harvard do have cultural differences, due to their diverging histories and traditions. These are both old schools by American standards, and have had long paths to build the traditions they embrace today. That said, these differences have been flattening in recent years. The proliferation of the internet and mass media is undoing many of the regional differences between New England and the South, the differences that lay beneath many of the cultural differences between Duke and Harvard. 

Both Duke and Harvard tend to attract student bodies from well-off backgrounds. Harvard does offer a more generous financial aid package as well; Duke has a smaller endowment, and offers less need-based aid than many of its peers, even among the other Southern Ivies. 

Comparing Yale vs Vanderbilt

Just as Harvard and Yale have long been compared, so too have Duke and Vanderbilt. The relationship is not an exact parallel; Duke and Vanderbilt do not have the same longstanding rivalry, both academic and athletic, that Yale and Harvard do, but they are often thought of in the same way. A student who is interested in Harvard will almost always apply to Yale, and one interested in Duke will almost always apply to Vanderbilt. 

Undergrad Population6,9006,000
Acceptance Rate6.3%4.5%
Number of Majors7080
LocationNashville, TNNew Haven, CT
Average Class Size2018

Yale and Vanderbilt are remarkably similar when compared by the numbers; not exactly the same, but very close in a lot of ways. They are of similar sizes, similar costs, with a similar degree of difficulty in getting accepted. Not exactly the same of course, but near. Yale is ranked more highly, but Vanderbilt is hardly seen as a bad school. 

Vanderbilt does separate itself into multiple undergraduate colleges, while Yale only has the one. While Vanderbilt does promote a liberal arts core at all of its colleges, they do have different core curricula, and allow students to specialize more. Conversely, Yale’s model allows students to take courses in different disciplines more easily, and to change their major with less hassle. 

There is a cultural difference between the schools, based on location and tradition. Both have their own sense of and taste of elitism, and both consider themselves a preeminent institution. This does not make one better, but they do attract different students, who are interested in different climes. 

Comparing Rice vs Princeton

Princeton is sometimes overlooked in comparison to Yale and Harvard, and so too is Rice sometimes forgotten when discussing the best schools in the South, or seen as an afterthought when compared to Duke and Vanderbilt. Both schools are excellent academic institutions, just slightly less famous than their counterparts. 

Undergrad Population4,0005,500
Acceptance Rate8.7%5.7%
Number of Majors5036
LocationHouston, TXPrinceton, NJ
Average Class Size1420

As has been the trend for these comparisons, these two schools are remarkably similar when compared on the numbers alone. They are both small elite schools, quite expensive, but both with incredibly generous need-based aid programs. Both follow a liberal arts core, though Princeton separates out liberal arts and engineering students. 

Rice is in a more urban area, though this is not reflected in its campus. Princeton is known for being somewhat deflationary in its grading policies, or at least not engaging in nearly as much grade inflation as many of its peers. Rice is not exceptionally inflationary in its grading policies, but is in line with its peers, and therefore engages in the practice far more than Princeton does. 

There is a cultural difference between the schools, one built on location and history. Further, graduates from the schools often end up in different locations. The commute from Princeton to Wall Street is short, while students at Rice are more likely to end up with relationships with firms in Texas. This is not inevitable; students from Rice can and do go on to work in top New York firms. But the tilt of geography does impact where students end up working post graduation, and this can be clearly seen when comparing these two schools. 

Final Thoughts

There are excellent schools all over the US, not just in the small corner that plays host to the Ivy League. The Southern Ivies are an example of that idea, and while their sports league did not come to pass, it is interesting to see how these colleges measure up to their Ivy League counterparts today, and wonder on what might have been. 

We hope this article has given you a thorough introduction to these schools, and shown how they measure up. Choosing the right colleges to match your needs is always a challenge, and being able to directly compare different institutions is key to see how they fit your goals. Our college fact sheets contain everything you need to know to fully research and compare top colleges. If you’re looking for more personalized advice, then schedule a free consultation with us today. We have a long experience helping students apply to top colleges, and are always happy to hear from you.

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Wendy Y.
Below is my son's review. He was accepted to his dream Ivy League school!

From an admitted student's perspective, I am incredibly grateful to have met Sasha - he has been instrumental in helping me achieve my educational dreams (Ivy League), all while being an absolute joy (he's a walking encyclopedia, only funnier!) to work with.

Many people are dissuaded from seeking a college counselor because they think they can get into their desired college(s) either way. Honestly, going that route is a bit short-sighted and can jeopardize your odds of acceptances after years of hard work. The sad truth is, the American education system (even if you attend a fancy private school and ESPECIALLY if you go to a public school) doesn't really tell students how to write a compelling and authentic application. Going into the admissions process alone, without speaking with an advisor, is like going to court without a lawyer - you put yourself at a significant disadvantage because you don't have all the facts in front of you, or the help you need to negotiate the system.

That said, you need a good lawyer just like you need a good college counselor. And that's where Sasha distinguishes himself from the crowd of people claiming they'll get you into Harvard. I came to Sasha worried about and frankly dumbfounded by the college admissions process. I was unsure what to write about and how to go about drafting the essay that perfectly captured my passion, interests, and self. And I was highly skeptical that anyone could really help me. But, damn, did Sasha prove me wrong. From the beginning, Sasha amazed me with his understanding of the process, and ability to lend clarity and direction to me when I desperate needed it. After interviewing me about my background, experiences, activities, outlook, and vision, he helped me see qualities about myself I had not previously considered 'unique' or 'stand-out.' This process of understanding myself was so incredibly important in laying the groundwork for the essays I eventually wrote, and I'm certain I would've drafted boring, inauthentic essays without it.

Looking back, Sasha's talent is that he can see where your strengths lie, even when you don't see them. The truth is, although we don't always realize it, everyone has a unique story to tell. Sasha helped me see mine, and with his big-picture insight I was able to write the application that truly encapsulated my life and vision. He inspired me to dig deeper and write better, challenging me to revise and revise until my essays were the most passionate and authentic work I had ever written. As clichéd as that sounds, that's really what universities are looking for. In retrospect, it makes sense - in the real world passionate (not simply intelligent) individuals are the ones who make a difference in the world, and those are the individuals colleges would like to have associated with their brand.

In the end, I was accepted to the college of my dreams, a feat I could not have achieved without the direction Sasha lent to me. Essays (and the personal narrative you develop through your application) matter so much, and can literally make or break your application. I have seen so many of my 'qualified' friends receive rejections because they wrote contrived essays that didn't truly represent who they were; conversely, I have also seen so many friends with shorter resumes accepted because they were able to articulate their story in a genuinely passionate and authentic way - I fall into the latter category.

As a former admissions officer at Johns Hopkins, Sasha knows what types of essays jibe well with universities, an invaluable asset to have in the admissions process. He is responsive, flexible, creative, positive, and witty. For anyone who is serious about going into the college admissions process informed and prepared, I highly recommend Sasha.
Arda E.
I used Ivy Scholars to mainly help me with college applications. Within weeks of using this service, Sasha was able to simplify the already complex process. When it came to writing the Common App essay, Sasha didn’t just help with grammar and syntax, he brought my essays to life. Sasha also worked tirelessly to help solidify my extracurricular activities, including research and internship opportunities. Without his help, I would have never had an impressive resume.

Sasha is not only an extremely knowledgeable tutor, but also a genuine brother figure. His guidance, throughout my last two years of high school, was everything I needed to get me an acceptance letter from my dream schools (UC Berkeley, Tufts, Emory).

When it came to testing, Ivy Scholars worked like a charm. Sasha offered a very comprehensive plan when it came to completely acing my standardized tests. Without his test taking strategies I would have never gotten straight 5s on my AP tests and a 35 on the ACT.

Working with Sasha, I didn’t just become a good student, I became a genuine scholar.
Samson S.
We worked with Ivy Scholars during my son's senior year. I was concerned that we may be too late to take advantage of college advising but the Ivy Scholars team quickly and confidently directed us through the steps to ensure no deadlines were missed. Sasha's knowledge about schools, what they looked for in candidates, and how to maneuver the application process was invaluable. Mateo and Ryan worked with my son to help him create an essay that would get noticed and I am so appreciative he had their guidance.

Prior to securing Ivy Scholars, we tried using a less-expensive online service which was a terrible experience. As a parent, Ivy Scholars brought peace of mind to an area that was frankly overwhelming. This service was invaluable in the knowledge that we gained throughout the process. He has also met with my freshman daughter to provide guidance for her high school courses, career paths, extracurricular activities, and more.

Prior to signing with Ivy Scholars, I tried a less expensive online service and was very disappointed.

As a result of our work with Ivy Scholars, I am pleased to say that my son will be attending Stern Business School at New York University this fall! I highly recommend Ivy Scholars. Highly recommend!