
Why are College Admissions More Competitive Each Year?

Excited student reading an acceptance letter, symbolizing the increasing competition in college admissions and the joy of getting accepted.

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Acceptance rates at top colleges have fallen starkly, and seem to be getting lower with each year that passes. While there is an understanding that college admissions will have a degree of competition, this never ending growth of applicants and drop of admit rates makes many students incredibly anxious, especially younger students looking ahead to their own college admissions journey.

But why is this happening? Is it inevitable that acceptance rates at top colleges will continue to fall? Can they even get any lower? In this article we’re going to look at why acceptance rates have fallen, year after year, and whether or not these trends will continue. Let’s get started!

Demographics: More Students than Spaces

The first, and simplest, explanation for why college acceptance rates have fallen over time is demographic. There are simply more students applying to college now because there are more high school students in the US now than there were twenty or thirty years ago. As the total number of high school students increased, the number of spots available at top colleges remained more or less consistent. 

This increase in demand without an increase in supply created an ever greater competition for spots, and was the major driver of falling acceptance rates in the 1990s and early 2000s. This has changed however.

Post pandemic, college enrollments declined in aggregate. Further, demographic trends have shown that the high school population in the US is no longer increasing. There are going to be the same number of students graduating high school, and fewer of those students are choosing to apply to and attend college. 

Thus while demographic trends explain much of the past drive of falling acceptance rates, they do not explain more recent trends, and indeed seem to predict that acceptance rates at colleges should be increasing. Indeed, acceptance rates are increasing at some schools, but not at the most competitive and prestigious. Something other than just demographics is driving an increase in applications to these top colleges. 

The Common App

Application trends suggest two apparently contradictory points; that fewer students are applying to college overall, and that more students than ever are applying to the nation’s top colleges. These are both correct, and explained simply; fewer students overall are applying, but of those who are, many more are applying to significant numbers of colleges. 

There was a time when students would only apply to one or two colleges. I personally only applied to two, but that was mostly due to a lack of planning on my part; most of my classmates applied to five or so. Now? Most of the students we work with are applying to fifteen or more colleges, and more than ever many of them are applying to the full 20 permitted by the Common App. 

In some ways, this growth in application numbers has been driven by the Common App itself. It has made it easier than ever for students to find and apply to colleges, and adding another one to apply to can be done with the click of a button. This isn’t the 80s, when you had to mail applications to each college separately, or the early 2000s, when each college had their own web portal, and you needed to fill out the same information for each. 

On the one hand, this is great for students, and takes a lot of work off their shoulders. On the other hand, once applying to multiple colleges becomes so much easier, is it any surprise that top students are applying to so many? The Common App is a double-edged sword, easing the amount of work you need to do on the one hand, while encouraging more work from applying to more colleges with the other. 

This isn’t the only cause, but does explain in part why we see the number of applicants to top colleges continue to rise, and the corresponding sinking in acceptance rates at those schools. 

Test-Optional Policies

Test optional policies are interesting, as they make admissions more competitive twice over. First, as we have observed, when colleges become test optional, more students apply. This is often due to a mistaken belief that test scores were all that were holding back an application, and that without those, an academically weak application has a better shot at acceptance. This is not true, but it is a powerful belief, and drives an increase in applicants, which in turn lowers the acceptance rate. 

The other factor is more surprising at first; colleges which go test optional generally see the average test scores of accepted applicants increase, sometimes by a significant margin. This is because when a college doesn’t require submitting test scores, only those students who have truly exceptional performances will submit their scores for consideration. Average performance on these tests is not increasing significantly, but the average scores of students accepted to top colleges are. 

This makes admissions more competitive, especially as many colleges end their test optional policies, but want to keep their newly high average test scores. This makes your performance on these tests all the more important for your college admissions journey. For advice on how you can maximize your own score, check out our test prep service today. Students we work with see an average score increase of 180 points on the SAT, and master skills that will serve them long-term. 

The Extracurriculars Arms Race

Admissions officers frequently repeat the refrain that students are not competing with each other for admissions; that each applicant is reviewed on their own merits, and the acceptance of one does not necessarily require the rejection of another. While they repeat this frequently, it is not entirely true. 

Colleges do not admit one student and reject another, and you are only compared against the standards universities have for applicants. Those standards are, however, set in large part by the totality of the pool of applicants they receive. Once grade inflation becomes endemic, then getting straight As is not exceptional, but expected. Extracurriculars have fallen into a similar pattern. 

As high school students strive to stand out in the sea of their fellows, they turn to extracurriculars; trying to find the exact combination of impressive achievements that will make admissions officers sit up and take notice. We’ve written about this before, sharing extracurriculars that stand out, and explaining how to make the most of your opportunities. 

The problem comes with scale. One student doing something remarkable stands out; once everyone is doing it, then exceptionality is no longer exceptional, but expected. This means the achievements that greatly increased your chances of acceptance a decade ago may barely move the needle today. 

This also comes with oversaturation. For example, there was a significant period where many high school students were forming nonprofits. For the first few students who did so, this was exciting and new, and admissions officers took notice. Once it became a trend however, admissions officers looked harder at what these nonprofits were accomplishing, and they became less of a boon to applicants. 

Each student acts in their own best interests, to maximize their own chances of success in the admissions process. This is logical, but in their competition with each other, the amount of pressure students are under overall simply increases, as there is the impression that you must do truly incredible things to have a shot at acceptance at a top college. 

Is there any way to fix this?

So this is a lot of different factors all contributing to make college admissions more competitive each year. This leads to the important question: is there any way to fix this? 

Unfortunately, there is no easy way to do this. Every actor in this is acting in their own best interests, but in so doing the system as a whole becomes further stretched. Students want to get into top colleges. Top colleges want to recruit the best and most qualified students. Everyone wants the system to be fair. None of these things seem to be happening, or possible with the way it currently works. 

A further problem is that any “fix” would require disrupting the entirety of how colleges review and admit students, and doing that would just create even more of a headache for students and colleges. Add in the fact that colleges each have their own policies for how they approach admissions, and you can begin to see the scope of the problem. 

Final Thoughts

Admissions to top colleges is always going to be competitive to some degree; more people want to attend these schools than there are places for them. That said, the level of competition, and the growth in that competition over time, are startling, and show no signs of stopping. We hope this article has given you a sense of the varying contributing factors, and how each contributes to the trend as a whole. 

If you are looking for help with your own applications, or want advice on what these colleges actually want to see from applicants, schedule a free consultation today. We have a long experience helping students get into the country’s most competitive colleges, and are always happy to hear from you. 

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Wendy Y.
Below is my son's review. He was accepted to his dream Ivy League school!

From an admitted student's perspective, I am incredibly grateful to have met Sasha - he has been instrumental in helping me achieve my educational dreams (Ivy League), all while being an absolute joy (he's a walking encyclopedia, only funnier!) to work with.

Many people are dissuaded from seeking a college counselor because they think they can get into their desired college(s) either way. Honestly, going that route is a bit short-sighted and can jeopardize your odds of acceptances after years of hard work. The sad truth is, the American education system (even if you attend a fancy private school and ESPECIALLY if you go to a public school) doesn't really tell students how to write a compelling and authentic application. Going into the admissions process alone, without speaking with an advisor, is like going to court without a lawyer - you put yourself at a significant disadvantage because you don't have all the facts in front of you, or the help you need to negotiate the system.

That said, you need a good lawyer just like you need a good college counselor. And that's where Sasha distinguishes himself from the crowd of people claiming they'll get you into Harvard. I came to Sasha worried about and frankly dumbfounded by the college admissions process. I was unsure what to write about and how to go about drafting the essay that perfectly captured my passion, interests, and self. And I was highly skeptical that anyone could really help me. But, damn, did Sasha prove me wrong. From the beginning, Sasha amazed me with his understanding of the process, and ability to lend clarity and direction to me when I desperate needed it. After interviewing me about my background, experiences, activities, outlook, and vision, he helped me see qualities about myself I had not previously considered 'unique' or 'stand-out.' This process of understanding myself was so incredibly important in laying the groundwork for the essays I eventually wrote, and I'm certain I would've drafted boring, inauthentic essays without it.

Looking back, Sasha's talent is that he can see where your strengths lie, even when you don't see them. The truth is, although we don't always realize it, everyone has a unique story to tell. Sasha helped me see mine, and with his big-picture insight I was able to write the application that truly encapsulated my life and vision. He inspired me to dig deeper and write better, challenging me to revise and revise until my essays were the most passionate and authentic work I had ever written. As clichéd as that sounds, that's really what universities are looking for. In retrospect, it makes sense - in the real world passionate (not simply intelligent) individuals are the ones who make a difference in the world, and those are the individuals colleges would like to have associated with their brand.

In the end, I was accepted to the college of my dreams, a feat I could not have achieved without the direction Sasha lent to me. Essays (and the personal narrative you develop through your application) matter so much, and can literally make or break your application. I have seen so many of my 'qualified' friends receive rejections because they wrote contrived essays that didn't truly represent who they were; conversely, I have also seen so many friends with shorter resumes accepted because they were able to articulate their story in a genuinely passionate and authentic way - I fall into the latter category.

As a former admissions officer at Johns Hopkins, Sasha knows what types of essays jibe well with universities, an invaluable asset to have in the admissions process. He is responsive, flexible, creative, positive, and witty. For anyone who is serious about going into the college admissions process informed and prepared, I highly recommend Sasha.
Arda E.
I used Ivy Scholars to mainly help me with college applications. Within weeks of using this service, Sasha was able to simplify the already complex process. When it came to writing the Common App essay, Sasha didn’t just help with grammar and syntax, he brought my essays to life. Sasha also worked tirelessly to help solidify my extracurricular activities, including research and internship opportunities. Without his help, I would have never had an impressive resume.

Sasha is not only an extremely knowledgeable tutor, but also a genuine brother figure. His guidance, throughout my last two years of high school, was everything I needed to get me an acceptance letter from my dream schools (UC Berkeley, Tufts, Emory).

When it came to testing, Ivy Scholars worked like a charm. Sasha offered a very comprehensive plan when it came to completely acing my standardized tests. Without his test taking strategies I would have never gotten straight 5s on my AP tests and a 35 on the ACT.

Working with Sasha, I didn’t just become a good student, I became a genuine scholar.
Samson S.
We worked with Ivy Scholars during my son's senior year. I was concerned that we may be too late to take advantage of college advising but the Ivy Scholars team quickly and confidently directed us through the steps to ensure no deadlines were missed. Sasha's knowledge about schools, what they looked for in candidates, and how to maneuver the application process was invaluable. Mateo and Ryan worked with my son to help him create an essay that would get noticed and I am so appreciative he had their guidance.

Prior to securing Ivy Scholars, we tried using a less-expensive online service which was a terrible experience. As a parent, Ivy Scholars brought peace of mind to an area that was frankly overwhelming. This service was invaluable in the knowledge that we gained throughout the process. He has also met with my freshman daughter to provide guidance for her high school courses, career paths, extracurricular activities, and more.

Prior to signing with Ivy Scholars, I tried a less expensive online service and was very disappointed.

As a result of our work with Ivy Scholars, I am pleased to say that my son will be attending Stern Business School at New York University this fall! I highly recommend Ivy Scholars. Highly recommend!